
fly me to the moon.

i used the sunny weather to take some outdoor shots in hamburg.

when i was just about to ask him to play 'take five', he suddenly did

5 Kommentare:

  1. awww :D I <3 your pics! esp those of the alster and birds ^^

  2. Deine Bilders sind echt soooo schön :3
    Ich mag vor allem das vom Saxophon Menschen :D

  3. ich mag den saxophonisten auch am liebsten =DDD

    aber die kleinen kinner sin auch süß XD

    schade dass ich dich gestern nich zufällig getroffen hab Dx

  4. Hey sweetheart! It's Ellie here and I just am trying to make rounds at some of my readers' blogs to thank them for their love and support :) Thank you all yours and always come visit me and Seoulbeats!

    P.S., your pictures are breathtaking <3
